7 October 2012

The younger generation has mostly neglected spirituality till now. To be spiritual is the aim of religion. To be religious is very easy.

If you put some ‘tulasi’ in the ear or smear some ‘vibhuti’ or ‘nama’, you are religious but spirituality is something more. Let the younger generation not neglect spirituality any more. That is how even when one is young, one can be spiritual, and when one is old, he becomes intensely spiritual because there are no other things to interfere, and then life becomes a joy. The body becomes weaker. There is no doubt that is the nature of the body to become old.

We have a wonderful intellectual formulation of the subject. Anything which is a combination of parts cannot be eternal. It must separate and go away, that is the idea. What is the body, but a combination of parts? It has a growth, a development, decay and finally a departure.

Even the sun has no permanent life, it is a combination of so many element s; this elements separate and then go away. But spirit (soul) remains free from the waves of the changes. The more a man values body, the more he devalues the real value human life.

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