30 July 2013

It was only last year that I got posted in Dubai. Dubai had undoubtedly been my desired choice keeping my career prospects in mind and the great opportunities that this beautiful land provided. However , I was initially very apprehensive because the educational concerns surrounding my seventeen year old son and fifteen year old daughter were a bigger priority to me. A month before finalizing my posting at Dubai, I decided to pay a visit to Dubai where one of my old college friends Aman was staying there. I put up with them for a week, utilizing my unveiled leaves. He too had a son Abram , eighteen and daughter Maria, sixteen. Of course , prior to visiting Dubai , I did do my homework on the internet, yet to be doubly sure I wanted to feel it for real before deciding on the posting. After all it was all about the future of my children.

As I interacted with Aman’s children, I learnt more about their education system. They studied at the Al Khaleej National School. It was a Government Higher School. Not just that, I was actually very impressed by their knowledge updates of the current world scenario and their divergent thinking.

While I was quite sure that such phenomenal motivation among children of this age could not just be from the boring routines of any school however interesting, my curiosity grew in leaps and bounds later that evening. Some of their friends had come over and all displayed alike fervour- the penchant for learning.

When I praised the children before Aman and his wife , Jemima, I came to learn something even more interesting. Aman said, “ Oh , it’s all thanks to this wonderful online social platform where students, teachers, schools, parents can register and interact with each other for free. It is a common forum for the exchange of views and ideas. It provides the scope for sparking off new ground breaking novelties that can benefit all.”

This indeed has turned out to be a unique learning management system which allows sharing of resources and helps in searching out new methods that promote collaborative learning with one another.

An online educational platform basically incorporates Study Materials, Groups, Schools and Unique Tools which includes Timetable:, School Quiz, Surveys: along with their social circles.

After seeing more of it on the internet, I felt so relieved about my children’s’ education. I was in fact more rejuvenated that they had already started exploring the site.. Ever Since that day , there’s been no looking back.


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