13 October 2012

One of the most common and reprehensible use of plastics in the world, including India is as packing material.

The polythene bags came into our market only as late as 1982. But they have given such a beating to our recycled news papers bags the one hardly sees the latter now. Few however, seem aware of the dangers of the plastic carry bags.

Polythene bags often caused the death of infants the world over. Babes love to cover their heads with polythene bags as a part of their play but cannot remove them from their heads and often die gasping for breath since air will not pass through polythene. It is mandatory for plastic bags to carry warnings about them being used as play things for children.

Most plastic toys are also required to be made of non-toxic material and carry statements to the effect.

The same is the fate of fish and other marine life, when polythene finds its way into the waters, as it often does.

Plastic indeed poses a sticky disposal problem for the world at large. You cannot burn it. If you throw it away, it may choke the drain. So you cannot get rid of it. Once you have produced it, it has enveloped your life. Ann Leolard of the internationally known environmental group. ‘Green Peace’ says, “substantial amount of toxic – chemical released in plastic production can cause cancer and congenital defects and damage the nervous system, blood, kidneys and immunity systems. These chemicals can also cause serious damage of eco-system.

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