7 February 2013

Learn About The
Anti-Arthritis Benefits of Krill Oil Omega-3

Dear Reader,
Did you know?
* Within a group of older people inflicted with arthritic pain, 300 mg per day of krill oil alone reduced pro- inflammatory C-reactive protein activity by 50% after just one month. (1) 

* Arthritic joints need more than structural repair (the kind of help glucosamine & chondroitin offer).

* Arthritic joints need something to slow or even stop the inflammatory processes that steadily destroy their cartilage. 

* New data indicates krill may help treat arthritic joint tissue by neutralizing pro-inflammatory activity.

* Both fish oil and krill oil increase blood levels of omega-3s at about the same rate but krill oil is superior at protecting joint cartilage from inflammatory damage(2-4)

* Important animal studies showed the krill oil group experienced milder forms of arthritis, less pain and swelling and lower amounts of infiltration of inflammatory white blood cells into the joint and its lining, an important measure of arthritis severity compared to the fish oil groups and theplacebo groups. (5-8)

Human studies of krill oil in arthritis and other joint-health conditions areeven more compelling. One group received 300 mg/day of krill oil, and the other group received placebo. At days 7, 14, and 30, C-reactive protein (CRP, a measure of inflammation) and the widely used WOMAC arthritis score were determined.

* The WOMAC score assesses levels of pain and stiffness in patients with osteoarthritis. After just 7 days of supplementation, CRP was significantly reduced by 19.3% in the krill-supplemented group, while it rose by 15.7% in the placebo group. (1)

* CRP dropped an additional 30% and 31% at days 14 and 30, respectively, in the krill arm of the study, while it rose by 32% at day 14 in the placebo group.

Krill Oil And Fish Oil: Different Mechanisms, Greater Benefit

Krill oil and fish oil are both healthful marine oils from ocean-dwelling animals. Both are rich in the beneficial fats known as omega-3 fatty acids, and both fight inflammation in your body.

What distinguishes krill oil from fish oil? Why is it essential for some people to supplement with both?
Despite their apparent similarities, there are three important differences between these two marine oil products, differences that you need to understand in order to optimize your fight against dangerous inflammatory processes.

1. The first point of differentiation is intended benefit and dosage. Fish oil is widely recognized for promoting cardiovascular health and favorably affecting blood lipids. Fish oil taken in sufficient doses lowers triglycerides and favorably modifies other vascular risk factors such as 12pt, dense LDL. Optimal doses for most people of EPA is 1,400 mg and DHA is 1,000 mg. Krill oil also provides EPA and DHA (in the phospholipid forms), but it does not provide them in levels high enough for optimal cardiovascular protection. 

2. The second point of differentiation is the site of action of the two marine oils. Fish oils favorably modulate inflammatory cytokines circulating in the blood, thereby reducing total body inflammation (that's in part how they exert their beneficial cardiovascular effects). Krill oil, on the other hand, has beneficial effects locally in the joint. In one study, krill oil, but not fish oil, reduced infiltration of inflammatory cells into the joint and joint-lining tissues, a vital effect in reducing the pain, swelling, and loss of function in arthritis. In that same study, fish oil, but not krill oil, modulated blood levels of inflammatory cytokines. This study provides a neat picture of the complementary nature of these two marine oils. 

3. Purified fish oil concentrates are a more cost-effective way of obtaining high doses of EPA/DHA required to protect against a wide range of degenerative disorders. Just 300 mg a day of krill oil has been shown to relieve joint pain, whereas 2,400 mg of EPA/DHA are needed each day to provide the systemic benefits of EPA and DHA omega-3s. For comparison, one would need to take approximately 30 softgels containing about 300 mg of krill oil to obtain similar amounts of DHA as found in just two purified and concentrated fish oil softgels. 

Taken together, these three important points of distinction explain why it's essential to continue supplementation with high-dose fish oil to maintain optimal cardioprotection and generalized protection from inflammation and to add krill oil to manage pain and prevent joint destruction.(8)

In just one week Krill Oil reduced inflammatory markers in human trials better than placebo, and reduced arthritis pain by 29%.(1)

Neptune Krill Oil from Zwell is an all-natural health product made with the highest standards of efficacy and purity, without contaminants or excipients. Zwell Krill Oil delivers highly usable and rapidly absorbable EPA & DHA - it's more efficiently utilized by the human body (practically speaking, this means you have to take fewer capsules to get the full benefits). One other benefit of our fast-absorbing Krill Oil - no "fishy burps" associated with regular fish oils.

If you or someone you love wants to know one simple thing they can do every day to calm the inflammation that causes joint pain and increase their antioxidant intake, Zwell's Trusted Advisors recommend Zwell Krill Oil and Zwell Reflexir for joint inflammation and pain relief. 

Statistics Canada found that Canadians 45 with insufficient Vitamin D levels are at greater risk for falls and fractures(9) 

1 in 10 Canadians is suffering from Vitamin D insufficiency (10), and Health Canada recommends daily supplementation to ensure adequate intakes. Low Vitamin D status has been linked to poor balance, falls and fractures amongst Zoomers because of the critical role Vitamin D plays in the function of muscle and the strength of bones.(11) Without ample summer sun exposure, supplementation is the only way to ensure Vitamin D stores are optimized for bone health.(12)

Superior Formulation:
This product is an all natural Vitamin D3 bio-transformed into wholefood D3 using a fermentation process involving nutritional yeast. The yeasts are able to digest the D3 and absorb it into their system, thereby converting it into wholefood nutrients. Some experts would agree this qualifies this product as vegetarian, similar to the mechanism a plant uses to extract nutrients from animal fertilizers and the soil.

This D3 is then mixed with organic sweet potato, creating a
 certified organic Vitamin D3 (Cholcalciferol) that is highly active, and delivered in a form that our bodies can most easily absorb and utilize, providing 1000 IU of all natural, wholefood, Vitamin D3 in a safe and effective form. 

Spread the word! If your friends and loved ones found a safe, effective, all-natural anti-inflammatory product, that helped relieve pain wouldn't you want them to share the news? Tell them about Zwell's Joint Health Pack - learn about the benefits ofZwell Reflexir, and how to achieve even better results with Krill Oil and Organic Vitamin D from Zwell. 

Every body is different! At Zwell, we believe in a holistic approach to health and Zwellness, and recognize that everyone is unique, with different needs. If you're not satisfied by the enhanced results you experience by combining Zwell Reflexir, Krill Oil and Vitamin D, then we offer a "No Quibble" Return Policy. So - there is no risk at all for you to try Zwell's Joint Health Pack! 

Why wait? Order right now and start getting the enhanced relief from joint pain caused by inflammation that thousands of others are already enjoying. You have nothing to lose but pain.

“I just wanted you to know how much I love your products Reflexir and the Krill Oil. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and for 13 months I could hardly walk, they hurt so bad even cortisol shots in both feet did not work. I was in the Dr’s office and overheard a man saying he was taking something that helped his feet and when I inquired he told me about Reflexir. I came home an ordered a bottle that day – I felt I had nothing to lose. After my second bottle I started to feel a real difference and then I ordered the Krill Oil as well and since then I have not looked back, I cannot believe how wonderful it feels to walk again and even go up and down stairs like a normal person.
Thank-you so much and I have recommended this to so many people and I know they have ordered it and I’m sure they will find the same relief that I have.”
Linda P. — Mt. Forest, ON
“I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how absolutely delighted I am with Reflexir. I have been taking heavy doses of Ibuprofen in one form or another for several years. Since I started taking Reflexir I have not had to take Ibuprofen at all. In addition I have been able to resume my hour-long daily walks. Totally impossible before taking Reflexir.”

Margaret R. — Victoria, BC

We hope you'll take the time to visit our website

To order call 1-877-ZWELL-CA (993- 5522)
or click www.zwell.ca/joint-health-krill- oil
Yours in health & Zwellness,
The Team at Zwell


(1) Deutsch L. Evaluation of the effect of Neptune Krill Oil on chronic inflammation and arthritic symptoms. J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Feb;26(1):39-48.(2) Kalogeropoulos N, Panagiotakos DB, Pitsavos C, et al. Unsaturated fatty acids are inversely associated and n- 6/n-3 ratios are positively related to inflammation and coagulation markers in plasma of apparently healthy adults. Clin Chim Acta. 2010 Apr 2;411(7-8):584- 91.
(3) Ulven SM, Kirkhus B, Lamglait A, et al. Metabolic effects of krill oil are essentially similar to those of fish oil but at lower dose of EPA and DHA, in healthy volunteers. Lipids. 2011 Jan;46(1):37 -46.
(4) Ierna M, Kerr A, Scales H, Berge K, Griinari M. Supplementation of diet with krill oil protects against experimental rheumatoid arthritis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2010;11:136.
(5) Ierna M, Kerr A, Scales H, Berge K, Griinari M. Supplementation of diet with krill oil protects against experimental rheumatoid arthritis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2010;11:136.
(6) James M, Proudman S, Cleland L. Fish oil and rheumatoid arthritis: past, present and future. Proc Nutr Soc. 2010 Aug;69(3):316-23.
(7) Kolahi S, Ghorbanihaghjo A, Alizadeh S, et al. Fish oil supplementation decreases serum soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand/osteoprotegerin ratio in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Biochem. 2010 Apr;43(6):576-80.
(8) Wann AK, Mistry J, Blain EJ, Michael-Titus AT, Knight MM. Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid reduce interleukin-1beta-mediated cartilage degradation. Arthritis Res Ther. 2010;12 (6):R207.
(9 - 12) Statistics Canada - http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-625-x/2010001/article/11137- eng.htm

1 comment:

  1. I really don't know that krill oil omega 3 is also good for arthritis. Because when it comes to joint problems, I take some joint supplements and this is the reason why can alleviate the level of pain sometimes.
