21 July 2013

It had been a hectic week as I landed in Kolkata.  Piled with loads of work pressure, I had been completely drained of every morsel of strength in my body. I reached home,  struggled through with my work and once completed, my body longed for a vacation. Vacation ? Wheres that luxury in these days?
I came to know, my brother had arranged for a ‘surprise visit’ for the family to a resort  nearby the following morning.

Early next morning, it took us only a short drive , about thirty minutes from Kolkata when we reached a lush, vast expanse of greenery which was a  very refreshing feast for the eyes. As I learnt more about the place, the resort embraced natural cure for  different ailments and nurtured the practices of yoga therapy as well.  It sounded interesting.

A large, spacious nine-acre green area  was highlighted with flora. The beauty was  accentuated with clean water bodies which calmed  the senses   In fact I found myself already so relaxed in the serene calm environment. It  was so different from my everyday routine of running against the clock, I thought to myself.

As the day progressed  I was  introduced to various naturopathic  treatment processes.
It was the Mud Pack Treatment that  I first went in for Naturopathy as I understood is  a system wherein human beings live in harmony with the principles of naturopathic therapy. These constructive principles are applicable on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes of living. Naturopathy has great health promoting, disease preventive, curative and restorative potential.

The results were amazing . The treatment involved the application of mud paste. It helped in removing toxins from my  body and resulted in a cooling and soothing effect.

I pampered myself  a second time by  treating myself to a ‘Footbath’.  It is said to improve the blood circulation and removes the congestion of the brain. Indeed, I was relieved of the headache that my work pressure had given me . It was a soothing and relaxing sensation.I reserved the sauna bath for the next day and it was a treat in itself.

Besides, as we had stayed over one night I got the opportunity to explore the various amenities at Nature Cure. We stayed in a cozy cottage which added to an oriental charm of the place amidst the fragrant smell of the surrounding flowers. I took a stroll around the resort. The Radha Krishna Temple wove a holy spell around the resort. The Yoga Centre and Meditative Facilities resounded with the enchanting ‘Om’.

The presence of fresh food , courteous staff and residential  physicians provided a nourishing sense of security throughout.

As I packed  my bags for home the next day, I couldn't thank my brother enough. I was rejuvenated in my mind, relaxed in my  body and pepped up in spirit. I looked into the mirror, I told myself, “ Here World, here I come! “ as I prepared to take on the week ahead!  
Ever since that day I strongly recommend Nature Cure and Yoga Therapy to all.


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